
Journal Publications

Analysis of singularly perturbed stochastic chemical reaction networks1 motivated by applications to epigenetic cell memory

Simone Bruno, Felipe A. Campos, Yi Fu, Domitilla Del Vecchio, Ruth J. Williams

SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems


May 2024

A Fieldable Process for Sensitive Detection of Airborne Viruses via Electrophoresis-based RNA Enrichment

H. Du, S. Bruno, K. Overholt, S. Palacios, H.-H. Huang, C. Barajas, B. Gross, C. Lee, H. K. Evile, N. Rufino de Sousa, A. G. Rothfuchs, and D. Del Vecchio

Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X


May 2024

Epigenetic OCT4 regulatory network: stochastic analysis of cellular reprogramming

S. Bruno, T. Schlaeger, and D. Del Vecchio

npj Systems Biology and Applications

Conditionally Accepted

November 2023

Synthetic genetic circuits to uncover the OCT4 trajectories of successful reprogramming of human fibroblasts

Katherine Ilia, Nika Shakiba, Trevor Bingham, Ross D. Jones, Michael M. Kaminski, Eliezer Aravera, Simone Bruno, Sebastian Palacios, Ron Weiss, James J. Collins, Domitilla Del Vecchio*, Thorsten M. Schlaeger*

Science Advances


October 2023

Identifiability of Chemical Reaction Networks with Intrinsic and Extrinsic Noise1 from Stationary Distributions

Ted Grunberg and Domitilla Del Vecchio

SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems


April 2023

Comparison Theorems for Stochastic Chemical Reaction Networks

Felipe A. Campos*, Simone Bruno*, Yi Fu, Domitilla Del Vecchio, and Ruth J. Williams

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology


Feb 2023

Incoherent merger network for robust ratiometric gene expression response

Ukjin Kwon, Hsin-Ho Huang, Jorge L. Chavez, Kathryn Beabout, Svetlana Harbaugh, and Domitilla Del Vecchio

Nucleic Acids Research


Jan 2023

Mathematical analysis of the limiting behaviors of a chromatin modification circuit

S. Bruno, R. Williams, and D. Del Vecchio

Journal Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems


Jan 2023

Feedforward growth rate control mitigates gene activation burden

C. Barajas, HH. Huang, J. Gibson, L. Sandoval, and D. Del Vecchio

Nature Communications

Conditionally Accepted

October 2022

Mathematical analysis of the limiting behaviors of a chromatin modification circuit

S. Bruno, R. Williams, and D. Del Vecchio

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems


Sept 2022

Epigenetic cell memory: The gene’s inner chromatin modification circuit

S. Bruno, R. Williams, and D. Del Vecchio

PLOS Computational Biology


February 2022

Squaring a circle: To what extent are traditional circuit analogies impeding synthetic biology?

K. Ilia and D. Del Vecchio

GEN Biotechnology


February 2022

Robust and tunable signal processing in mammalian cells via engineered covalent modification cycles

R.D. Jones, Y. Qian, K. Ilia, B. Wang, M.T. Laub, D. Del Vecchio*, R. Weiss*

Nature Communications


February 2022

Synthetic biology by controller design

Carlos Barajas and Domitilla Del Vecchio

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Conditionally Accepted

February 2022

Predicting Composition of Genetic Circuits with Resource Competition: Demand and Sensitivity

C. McBride and D. Del Vecchio

ACS Synthetic Biology

Conditionally Accepted

October 2021

Design of Genetic Circuits that are Robust to Resource Competition

C. McBride, T. Grunberg, and D. Del Vecchio

Current Opinion in Systems Biology

To Appear

July, 2021

Context-aware synthetic biology by controller design: engineering the mammalian cell

N. Shakiba, R. D. Jones, R. Weiss, and D. Del Vecchio

Cell Systems


May 2021

dCas9 regulator to neutralize competition in CRISPRi circuits

H-H. Huang*, M. Bellato*, Y. QIan, P. Cardenas, L. Pasotti, P. Magni, and D. Del Vecchio

Nature Communications


Jan. 2021

Robustness of networked systems to unintended interactions with application to engineered genetic circuits

Y. Qian and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Trans. on Control of Network Systems

Conditionally Acceted

January 2021

An endoribonuclease-based feedforward controller for decoupling resource-limited genetic modules in mammalian cells

R. D. Jones, Y. Qian, V. Siciliano, B. DiAndreth, J. Huh, R. Weiss, and D. Del Vecchio

Nature Communications


August 2020

Effects of spatial heterogeneity on bacterial genetic circuits

C. Barajas and D. Del Vecchio

PLOS Comput. Biol.


July 2020

Reprogramming multistable monotone systems with application to cell fate control

R. Shah and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering


June 2020

Modular Analysis and Design of Biological Circuits

T. Grunberg and D. Del Vecchio

Current Opinion in Biotechnology


November 2019

The Number of Equilibrium Points of Perturbed Nonlinear Positive Dynamical Systems

C. McBride and D. Del Vecchio



October 2019

The Effect of Loads in Molecular Communications

C. McBride, R. Shah, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of the IEEE


April 2019

Multi-modality in gene regulatory networks with slow promoter kinetics

M. Ali Al-Radhawi, D. Del Vecchio, and E. D. Sontag

PLOS Comput. Biol.


January 2019

A quasi-integral controller for adaptation of genetic modules to variable ribosome demand

H-H. Huang*, Y. Qian*, and D. Del Vecchio

Nature Communications


December 2018

A Singular Singular Perturbation Problem Arising from a Class of Biomolecular Feedback Controllers

Y. Qian and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Control Systems Letters


May 2018

Future Systems and Control Research in Synthetic Biology

D. Del Vecchio, Y. Qian, R. M. Murray, and E. D. Sontag

IFAC Annual Reviews in Control

To Appear

May 2018

Reduced Linear Noise Approximation for Biochemical Reaction Networks with Time-scale Separation : The stochastic tQSSA+

N. Herath and D. Del Vecchio

Journal of Chemical Physics


February 2018

Deterministic-Like Model Reduction for a Class of Stochastic Differential Equations with Time-Scale Separation

N. Herath and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Trans. on Aut. Control

Conditionally accepted

January 2018

Realizing "integral control" in living cells: How to overcome leaky integration due to dilution?

Y. Qian and D. Del Vecchio

Journal of Royal Soc. Interface


January 2018

Programming cells to work for US

Y. Qian, C. McBride, and D. Del Vecchio

Annual Reviews in Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems


August 2017

Signaling architectures that transmit unidirectional information despite retroactivity

R. Shah and D. Del Vecchio

Biophysical Journal


June 2017

Resource Competition Shapes the Response of Genetic Circuits

Y. Qian, H-H. Huang, J. Jimenez, and D. Del Vecchio

ACS Synthetic Biology


March 2017

Safety Verification and Control for Collision Avoidance at Road Intersections

H. Ahn and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Trans. Automatic Control


June 2017

A blueprint for a synthetic genetic feedback controller to reprogram cell fate

D. Del Vecchio, H. Abdallah, Y. Qian, and J. J. Collins

Cell Systems


November 2016

Control Theory Meets Synthetic Biology

D. Del Vecchio, Y. Qian, and A. Dy

Journal of the Royal Society Interface


June 2016.

Compositional Context Effects in Synthetic Gene Networks

E. Yeung, A. J. Dy, K. B. Martin, A. H. Ng, D. Del Vecchio, J. L. Beck6, J. J. Collins, and R. M. Murray

Cell Systems


June 2017

Creating single-copy genetic circuits

Lee, J.W., Gyorgy, A., Cameron, D.E., Pyenson, N., Choi, K.R., Way, J.C., Silver, P.A., Del Vecchio, D., and Collins, J.J.

Molecular Cell


June 2016.

Supervisory Control for Collision Avoidance in Vehicular Networks Using Discrete Event Abstractions

E. Dallal, A. Colombo, D. Del Vecchio, and S. Lafortune

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems


April 2016.

Design of driver-assist systems under probabilistic safety specifications near stop signs

M. Forghani, J. McNew, D. Hoehener, and D. Del Vecchio,

IEEE Tsans. on Automation Science and Engineering,


November 2015.

Isocost lines describe the cellular economy genetic circuits

A. Gyorgy, J. Jimenez, J. Yazbek, H.-H. Huang, H. Chung, R. Weiss and D. Del Vecchio,

Biophysical Journal,


June 2015.

Estimation for decentralized safety control under communication delay and measurement uncertainty

D. Bresch-Pietri and D. Del Vecchio



May 2015.

Modularity, context dependence, and insulation in engineered biological circuits (Draft)

D. Del Vecchio

Trends in Biotechnology (Cell Press)


November 2014

A Load Driver Device for Engineering Modularity in Biological Networks

D. Mishra, P. M. Rivera-Ortiz, A. Lin, D. Del Vecchio(*), and R. Weiss(*) [(*)=co-corresponding authors ]

Nature Biotechnology


September 2014.

New Device Could Make Large Biological Circuits Practical

MIT News

November 2014.

Lightening the load in synthetic biology

News and Views

Nature Biotechnology

November 2014.

A Synthetic Tunable Amplifying Buffer Circuit in E. coli

K. Nilgiriwala, J. Jimenez, P. M. Rivera, and D. Del Vecchio

ACS Synthetic Biology


October 2014.

Least Restrictive Supervisors for Intersection Collision Avoidance: A Scheduling Approach

A. Colombo and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Trans. Aut. Control


November 2014.

Modular Composition of Gene Transcription Networks

A. Gyorgy and D. Del Vecchio,

PLOS Computational Biology, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003486

March 2014

A Control Theoretic Framework for Modular Analysis and Design of Biomolecular Networks

D. Del Vecchio

IFAC Reviews in Control, Vol 37(2):333-345

December 2013.

Control for Safety Specifications of Systems with Imperfect Information on a Partial Order (draft)

R. Ghaemi and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Trans. Automatic Control



Cooperative Collision Avoidance at Intersections: Algorithms and Experiments

M. Hafner, D. Cunningham, L. Caminiti, and D. Del Vecchio,

IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems



Retroactivity Controls the Temporal Dynamics of Gene Transcription

S. Jayanthi, K. Nilgiriwala, and D. Del Vecchio

ACS Synthetic Biology



Modularity in Signaling Systems - Perspective Paper

D. Del Vecchio,

Physical Biology



A Contraction Theory Approach to Singularly Perturbed Systems

D. Del Vecchio and J-J. Slotine

IEEE Trans. Aut. Control



Tuning Genetic Clocks through DNA Binding Sites

S. Jayanthi and D. Del Vecchio,




Computational Tools for the Safety Control of a Class of Piecewise Continuous Systems with Imperfect Information on a Partial Order

M. Hafner and D. Del Vecchio, SIAM J.

on Control and Optimization,



Load-induced Modulation of Signal Transduction Networks

P. Jiang, A. C. Ventura, S. D. Merajver, E. D. Sontag, A. J. Ninfa, and D. Del Vecchio

Science Signaling, Vol. 4, Issue 194, p. ra67,(Read Editor's choice Enlightening the Load by L. Brya


Semiautonomous Multivehicle Safety: A Hybrid Control Approach

R. Verma and D. Del Vecchio,

IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 18, Issue 3, page(s) 44 - 54


Long Signaling Cascades Tend to Attenuate Retroactivity

H. R. Ossareh, A. C. Ventura, S. D. Merajver, and D. Del Vecchio,

Biophysical Journal, vol. 100(7):1617-1626


Safety Control of Hidden Mode Hybrid Systems

R. Verma and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Trans. Aut. Control,



Retroactivity Attenuation in Bio-molecular Systems Based on Timescale Separation

S. Jayanthi and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, vol. 56(4), pages 748-761


Signaling properties of a covalent modification cycle are altered by a downstream target.

A. C. Ventura, P. Jiang, L. Van Wassenhove, D. Del Vecchio, S. D. Merajver, and A. J. Ninfa,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 107(22), pages 10032-10037


A Method for Determining the Robustness of Bio-molecular Oscillator Models.

R. Ghaemi, J. Sun, P. Iglesias, and D. Del Vecchio.

BMC Systems Biology, 3:95,


Design and Characterization of a Three-terminal Transcriptional Device through Polymerase Per Second.

P. Varadarajan and D. Del Vecchio.

IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 8(3):281-9


Engineering Principles in Bio-molecular Systems: From Retroactivity to Modularity.

D. Del Vecchio and E. D. Sontag

Special Issue of the European Journal of Control, vol. 15 (3-4),


Observer-based Control of Block-Triangular Discrete Time Hybrid Automata on a Partial Order

D. Del Vecchio

International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control--Special Issue, vol. 19(14), pages 1581-1602,


Cascade Estimators for Systems on a Partial Order

D. Del Vecchio.

Systems & Control Letters, pages 842-850


Modular Cell Biology: Retroactivity and Insulation

D. Del Vecchio, A. J. Ninfa, and E. D. Sontag

Nature/EMBO Molecular Systems Biology, 4:161


Development of a Scaled Vehicle with Longitudinal Dynamics of a HMMWV for an ITS Testbed

R. Verma, D. Del Vecchio, and H. Fathy.

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 13(1), pp. 46-57


Discrete State Estimators for Systems on a Lattice

D. Del Vecchio, R. M. Murray, and E. Klavins

Automatica, vol. 42, pp. 271-285


Boundary Control for an Industrial Under-actuated Tubular Chemical Reactor

D. Del Vecchio and N. Petit.

Journal of Process Control, vol. 15, pp. 771-784


Decomposition of Human Motion into Dynamics Based Primitives with Application to Drawing Tasks

D. Del Vecchio, R. M. Murray, and P. Perona.

Automatica, vol. 39(12), pp. 2085-2098


Adaptive Learning Control for Feedback Linearizable Systems

D. Del Vecchio, R. Marino, and P. Tomei

European Journal of Control, vol. 9, Nb. 5


Adaptive Control of Feedback Linearizable Systems by Orthogonal Approximation Functions

D. Del Vecchio, R. Marino, and P. Tomei.

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 16, pp. 635-652


Selected Publications in Conference Proceedings

A model of chaperone competition in bacterial gene regulatory networks

N. Nolan, MT Laub, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. American Control Conference


March 2024

Guaranteeing System-level Properties in Genetic Circuits Subject to Context Effects

Inigo X. Incer, Ayush Pandey, Nicholas Nolan, Emma L. Peterman, Kate E. Galloway, Eduardo D. Sontag, and Domitilla Del Vecchio


August 2024

Assessing Feasibility in Resource Limited Genetic Networks

Carlos Eduardo Celeste Junior, Theodore Wu Grunberg and Domitilla Del Vecchio


August 2024

Competition for binding targets results in paradoxical effects for simultaneous activator and repressor action

M. Ali Al-Radhawi, Krishna Manoj, Dhruv Jatkar, Alon Duvall, Domitilla Del Vecchio, and Eduardo D. Sontag


March 2024

Multi-variable control to mitigate loads in CRISPRa networks

Krishna Manoj, Theodore W. Grunberg and Domitilla Del Vecchio


August 2024

Co-design of Resource Limited Genetic Modules

C. E. Celeste Junior, I. Di Loreto, T. W. Grunberg, M. D. Di Benedetto, A. Borri, and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Conference on Decision and Control


July 2023

Error Bound for Hill-Function Approximations in a Class of StochasticTranscriptional Network Models

D. Hirsch, T. Grunberg, and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Conference on Decision and Control


July 2023

Robust model invalidation for chemical reaction networks usinggeneralized moments

T. Grunberg and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Conference on Decision and Control


July 2023

Emergent interactions due to resource competition in CRISPR-mediated genetic activation circuits

K. Manoj and D. Del Vecchio




Population-Level Model of the Transient Dynamics of a Toggle Switch with Growth Feedback

D. Hirsh and D. Del Vecchio




Identifiability of linear noise approximation models of chemical reaction networks from stationary distributions

T. Grunberg and D. Del Vecchio




Analytical and computational study of the stochastic behavior of a chromatin modification circuit

S. Bruno, R. Williams, and D. Del Vecchio




Design of a long-term memory genetic toggle switch inspired by chromatin modification circuits

U. Kwan and D. Del Vecchio




Model reduction and stochastic analysis of the histone modification circuit

S. Bruno, R. Williams, and D. Del Vecchio

European Control Conference


March 2022

The impact of retroactivity on information exchange in molecular communications

F. Ratti, M. Magarini, and D. D. Vecchio

NANOCOM: The ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication


The Enhanced Finite State Projection algorithm using conditional moment closure and time-scale separation

U. Kwan, M. Naghnaeian, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control


July 2020

Trade-offs in Robustness to Perturbations of Bacterial Population Controllers

C. McBride and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of American Control Conference



Time-scale separation based design of biomolecular feedback controllers

T. Grunberg and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE CDC, Accepted


Stochastic analysis of genetic feedback controllers to reprogram a pluripotency gene regulatory network

Simone Bruno, M. Ali Al-Radhawi, Eduardo D. Sontag, and Domitilla Del Vecchio

Proc of American Control Conference


January 2019

Genetic Circuit-Host Ribosome Transactions: Diffusion-Reaction Model

Carlos Barajas and Domitilla Del Vecchio

Proc of American Control Conference


January 2019

Approximation of the Chemical Master Equation using conditional moment closure and time-scale separation

Ukjin Kwon, Mohammad Naghnaeian and Domitilla Del Vecchio

Proc of American Control Conference


Reprogramming cooperative monotone dynamical systems

R. Shah and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control


August 2018

A Model for Resource Competition in CRISPR-Mediated Gene Repression

P. Chen, Y. Qian, and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control


August 2018

A Singular Singular Perturbation Problem Arising from a Class of Biomolecular Feedback Controllers

Y. Qian and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control


August 2018

Stochastic multistationarity in a model of the hematopoietic stem cell differentiation network

M. Ali Al-Radhawi, N. S. Kumar, E. D. Sontag, and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control


August 2018

Resource Sensor Design for Quantifying Resource Competition in Genetic Circuits

C. McBride and D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control


August 2018

Multi-time-scale biomolecular ‘quasi-integral’ controllers for set-point regulation and trajectory tracking

Y. Qian, T. Grunberg, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. American Control Conf.

To Appear

March 2018

Robust Moment Closure Method for the Chemical Master Equation

M. Naghnaeian and D. Del Vecchio




Analyzing and Exploiting the Effects of Protease Sharing in Genetic Circuits

C. McBride and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. IFAC World Congress

To Appear

March 2017

Model order reduction for Linear Noise Approximation using time-scale separation

N. Herath and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,


Mitigation of ribosome competition through distributed sRNA feedback

Y. Qian and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control


Controller design under safety specifications for a class of monotone hybrid automata

d. Hoehener and D. Del Vecchio,

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,


Lane Departure Assist: A Formal Approach

D. Hohener, G. Huang, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,


Model reduction for a class of singularly perturbed stochastic differential equations : Fast variable approximation

N. Herath and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of American Control Conference,


Loading as a Design Parameter of Genetic Circuits

N. Kumar and D. Del Vecchio,

Proc. of American Control Conference


A Dynamical Model for the Low Efficiency of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Reprogramming

H. Abdallah, Y. Qian, and D. Del Vecchio,

Proc. of American Control Conference,


An N-stage Cascade of Phosphorylation Cycles as an Insulation Device for Synthetic Biological Circuits

R. Shah and D. Del Vecchio,

Proc. of to European Control Conference,


Semi-autonomous Intersection Collision Avoidance through Job-shop Scheduling

H. Ahn and D. Del Vecchio,

ACM Proc. of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,


How retroactivity impacts\ the robustness of genetic networks

S. Mou and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,


A contraction approach to o\ utput tracking via high gain feedback

A. Hamadeh, E. D. Sontag and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,


Experimental Testing of a Supervisor for\ Multi-vehicle collision Avoidance at Intersections

H. Ahn, A Rizzi, A. Colombo and D. Del Vecchio,

Proc. of IROS,


Safety Control of a Class of Stochastic Order Preserving Systems with Application to Collision Avoidance near Stop Signs

M. Forghani, J. McNew, D. Hoehener, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of American Control Conference,


Stochastic Hybrid Models for Predicting the Behavior of Drivers Facing the Yellow-Light-Dilemma

D. Hoehener, P. A. Green, and D. Del Vecchio,

Proc. of American Control Conference

(Invited Paper)


Model reduction for a class of singularly perturbed stochastic differential equations

N. Herath, A. Hamadeh, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of American Control Conference,


Effective interaction graphs arising from resource limitations in gene networks

Y. Qian and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of American Control Conference,


Mitigation of resource competition in synthetic genetic circuits through feedback regulation

A. Hamadeh and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control


Limitations and Trade-offs in Gene Expression due to Competition for Shared Cellular Resources

A. Gyorgy and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,

(Invited Paper)


Integral Action with Time Scale Separation: A Mechanism for Modularity in Biological Systems

P. M. Rivera and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,


Design of safety distributed control under bounded communication delay

D. Bresh-Pietri and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. American Control Conference,

(Invited Paper)


Supervisory control for intersection collision avoidance in the presence of uncontrolled vehicles

H. Ahn and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. American Control Conference,


Tradeoffs between retroactivity and noise in connected transcriptional components

N. Herath and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. American Control Conference,


Retroactivity Attenuation through Signal Transduction Cascades

P. M. Rivera and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. American Control Conference


Supervisory Control for Collision Avoidance in Vehicular Networks with Imperfect Measurements

E. Dallal, A. Colombo, D. Del Vecchio, and S. Lafortune

Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control


How slaves affect a master module in gene transcription networks

A. Gyorgy and D. Del Vecchio.

. Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

(Invited Paper)


Robust multi-agent collision avoidance through scheduling

L. Bruni, A. Colombo, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control


A Control Theory Approach to Engineering Biomolecular Networks

D. Del Vecchio

Proc. IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS)

(Extended version submitted to IFAC Annual Reviews in Control: A Control Theoretic Framework for Modular Analysis and Design of Biomolecular Networks)


Optimal Design of Phosphorylation-Based Insulation Devices

P. M. Rivera and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. American Control Conference


Supervisory Control for Collision Avoidance in Vehicular Networks Using Discrete Event Abstractions

E. Dallal, A. Colombo, D. Del Vecchio and S. Lafortune.

Proc. American Control Conference,


Retroactivity to the Input and Thevenin's Theorem for Complex Gene Transcription Networks

A. Gyorgy and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control

(Invited Paper)


Stochastic Analysis of Retroactivity in Transcriptional Networks through Singular Perturbation

R. Ghaemi and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. American Control Conference


Efficient algorithms for collision avoidance at intersections

A. Colombo and D. Del Vecchio

. Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,


Development and experimental validation of a semi-autonomous cooperative active safety system

R. Verma and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control

( Invited Paper)


Safety control of piece-wise continuous order preserving systems

R. Ghaemi and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,

(Invited Paper)


Supervisory control of differentially flat systems based on abstraction

A. Colombo and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,


Retroactivity Attenuation in Signaling Cascades

H. R. Ossareh and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control

(Invited Paper)


A Contraction Theory Approach to Singularly Perturbed Systems with Application to Retroactivity Attenuation

D. Del Vecchio and J-J. Slotine

Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,


Control of Hidden Mode Hybrid Systems: Algorithm Termination

R. Verma and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

( Invited Paper)


Automated Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collision Avoidance at Intersections

M. Hafner, D. Cunningham, L. Caminiti, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems


Tuning an Activator-Repressor Clock Employing Retroactivity

S. Jayanthi, A. Rosenberg, and D. Del Vecchio

Proc. American Control Conference,

(Invited Paper)


Control of Hybrid Automata with Hidden Modes: Translation to a Perfect State Information Problem .

R. Verma and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,


Formal Design of a Provably Safe Robotic Roundabout System.

J. Duperret, M. Hafner, and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,


The Impact of Retroactivity on the Input/Output Characteristic of a Signaling Component

A. C. Ventura, P. Jiang, L. Van Wassenhove, A. J. Ninfa, S. D. Merajver, and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of Dynamic Systems and Control Conference

(Invited Paper).


Design of an insulation device using phosphotransfer systems

S. Jayanthi and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),

(Invited Paper).


Computation of Safety Control for Uncertain Piecewise Continuous Systems on a Partial Order.

M. Hafner and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,


Continuous Control of Hybrid Automata with Imperfect Mode Information Assuming Separation between State Estimation and Control.

R. Verma and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,


On the Compromise between Retroactivity Attenuation and Noise Amplification in Gene Regulatory Networks.

S. Jayanthi and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

(Invited Paper)


Design of Insulating Devices for In Vitro Synthetic Circuits.

E. Franco, D. Del Vecchio and R. M. Murray.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,

(Invited Paper)


Partial Order Techniques for Vehicle Collision Avoidance: Application to an Autonomous Roundabout Test-bed.

V. Desaraju, H. C. Ro, M. Yang, E. Tay, S. Roth, D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)


A Separation Principle for a Class of Hybrid Automata on a Partial Order.

D. Del Vecchio, M. Malisoff, and R. Verma

Proc. of American Control Conference


Engineering Principles in Bio-molecular Systems: From Retroactivity to Modularity.

D. Del Vecchio and E. D. Sontag.

Proc. of European Control Conference (ECC),

(Selected for a Special Issue of the European Journal of Control)


Retroactivity Attenuation in Transcriptional Networks: Design and Analysis of an Insulation Device

D. Del Vecchio and S. Jayanthi.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

(Invited Paper).

December 2008, Cancun

Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics Scaling and Implementation on a HIL Setup

R. Verma, D. Del Vecchio, and H. Fathy.

Proc. of the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference,

October 2008, Ann Arbor.

A Systems Theory with Retroactivity: Application to Transcriptional Modules

D. Del Vecchio, A. J. Ninfa, and E. D. Sontag

Proc. of American Control Conference,

June 2008, Seattle.

A Partial Order Approach for Low Complexity Control of Block Triangular Hybrid Automata

D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,

December 2007, New Orleans.

Observer-based Control for Block-triangular Hybrid Automata.

D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

,(Invited Paper).

December 2007, New Orleans

Evaluating the Robustness of a Biochemical Network Model

R. Ghaemi and D. Del Vecchio.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

December 2007, New Orleans.

Design and Analysis of an Activator-Repressor Clock in E. coli

D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of American Control Conference

July 2007, New York.

Dynamics and Control of Synthetic Bio-molecular Networks

D. Del Vecchio and E.D. Sontag

Proc. of American Control Conference,

(Tutorial Paper)

July 2007, New York.

A Partial Order Approach to Discrete Dynamic Feedback in a Class of Hybrid Systems

D. Del Vecchio

Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,

April 2007, Pisa.

Discrete Dynamic Feedback for a Class of Hybrid Systems on a Lattice

D. Del Vecchio


(Invited Paper)

2006, Munich.

Cascade Discrete-Continuous State Estimators for a Class of Monotone Systems

D. Del Vecchio and R.M. Murray.

Proc. of IFAC

2005, Praha.

Existence of Cascade Discrete-Continuous State Estimators for Systems on a Partial Order

D. Del Vecchio and R.M. Murray.

Hybrid Systems: Computation a nd Control,

2005 Zurich, Switzerland.

Repressilators and Promotilators: Loop Dynamics in Gene Regulatory Networks

H. El Samad, D. Del Vecchio, and M. Khammash.

Proc. of American Control Conference,

(Invited Paper)


Existence of Discrete State Estimators for Hybrid Systems on a Lattice

D. Del Vecchio and R.M. Murray.

Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,

(Invited Paper)

2004 Atlantis, Bahamas.

Identification of Decision Rules in a Human Controlled System: Vehicles at a Traffic Intersection

C. L. Walton, D. Del Vecchio, and R. M. Murray.

Proc. of International Conference of Robotics and Automation

2004, New Orleans.

Vision as a Compensatory Mechanism for Disturbance Rejection in Upwind Flight

M. B. Reiser, J. S. Humbert, M. J. Dunlop, D. Del Vecchio, R. M. Murray, M. H. Dickinson.

Proc. of American Control Conference(Winner of best student paper competition)

2004, Boston.

Discrete State Estimators for a Class of Hybrid Systems on a Lattice

D. Del Vecchio and R. M. Murray.

Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control

2004 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Observation of Guarded Command Programs

D. Del Vecchio and E. Klavins.

Proc of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,

2003 Maui, Hawaii.

Classification of Human Motion into Dynamics Based Primitives with Application to Drawing Tasks

D. Del Vecchio, R. M. Murray, and P. Perona.

Proc. of European Control Conference

2003 Cambridge (UK).

Segmentation of Human Motion into Dynamics Based Primitives with Application to Drawing Tasks

D. Del Vecchio, R. M. Murray, and P. Perona

Proc of. American Control Conference

2003 Denver, Colorado.

Primitives for Human Motion: A Dynamical Approach

D. Del Vecchio, R. M. Murray, and P. Perona

Proc. of IFAC

2002 Barcelona, Spain.

An Adaptive Learning Control for Feedback Linearizable Systems.

D. Del Vecchio, R. Marino, and P. Tomei.

Proc. of American Control Conference,

Washington, VA 2001.

Adaptive Learning Control for Robot Manipulators.

D. Del Vecchio, R. Marino, and P. Tomei

Proc. of American Control Conference

Washington, VA 2001.

Selected Abstracts

Multi-modality in gene regulatory networks with slow promoter kinetics

M. Ali, E. D. Sontag, and D. Del Vecchio

q-Bio Conference

August 2017

Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of Limited Transcriptional Resources in Mammalian Cells

Ross Jones, Y. Qian, Ron Weiss, and Domitilla Del Vecchio

SEED Conference

selected for podium presentation

July 2017

Characterizing the effect of shared transcriptional resource in mammalian cells

Ross Jones, Y. Qian, Velia Siciliano, Domitilla Del Vecchio, and Ron Weiss

Mammalian Synthetic Biology Workshop 3.0

selected for podium presentation

May 2016

A semi-autonomous algorithm for multi-vehicle collision avoidance at intersections with multi-conflict points

H. Ahn and D. Del Vecchio

. IROS Conference


The role of ribosome autocatalysis and negative feedback in resource competition

F. Chandra and D. Del Vecchio.


Boston 2015

Resource Limitations Lead to Hidden Interactions in Gene Networks

Y. Qian, H-H. Huang, and D. Del Vecchio.

SEED Conference

Boston, 2015

Isocost lines determine the economy of shared cellular resources.

A. Gyorgy, J. Jimenez, D. Del Vecchio

SEED Conference

Manhattan Beach, CA, 2014

Combating context-dependence in biological circuits with a load driver.

D. Mishra, P. M. Rivera-Ortiz, D. Del Vecchio, and R. Weiss

International Conference on Systems Biology,

Denmark, 2013

Modular Composition of Gene Transcription Networks.

A. Gyorgy and D. Del Vecchio

International Conference on Systems Biology

Denmark, 2013.

Modularity in Complex Gene Transcrition Networks.

A. Gyorgy and D. Del Vecchio

International Conference on Systems Biology,

Toronto, 2012.

Insulation Mechanisms of in vivo Biomolecular Circuits.

K. Nilgiriwala, P. M. Rivera, and D. Del Vecchio.

International Conference on Systems Biology

Toronto, 2012.

Impact of Retroactivity on Transcriptional Components.

S. Jayanthi and D. Del Vecchio

The 5th Annual q-bio Conference on Cellular Information Processing,

Santa Fe, 2012.

Engineering Insulation from Retroactivity of the Frequency Response of Covalent Modification Cycles.

D. Del Vecchio

IEEE Biomedical Circuits & Systems Conference,

San Diego, 2011.

Enforcing Safety of Cyber-Physical Systems Using Flatness and Abstraction.

A. Colombo and D. Del Vecchio.

IEEE/ACM Second International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems

Chicago, 2011.

A Control Theory Approach to Engineering Biomolecular Circuits.

D. Del Vecchio

33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

Boston, 2011.

The Impact of Retroactivity on the Signal Processing of Transduction Networks.

P. Jiang, A. C. Ventura, S. Merajver, E. D. Sontag, A. J. Ninfa, and D. Del Vecchio.

The 5th Annual q-bio Conference on Cellular Information Processing,

Santa Fe, 2011

Retroactivity changes the input/output steady-state characteristic of a transcriptional component.

S. Jayanthi and D. Del Vecchio

SB5.0: The 5th International Meeting on Synthetic Biology

Stanford, 2011

A Dynamics Perspective on Modularity in Biomolecular Networks.

P. Jiang, A. C. Ventura, S. D. Merajver, A. J. Ninfa, and D. Del Vecchio.

International Conference on Systems Biology,

Edinburgh, 2010.

Long Signaling Cascades Attenuate Retroactivity.

H. R. Ossareh, A. C. Ventura, S. D. Merajver, and D. Del Vecchio.

International Conference on Systems Biology

Edinburgh, 2010

Control of Hybrid Automata with Imperfect Mode Information

D. Del Vecchio

Second Workshop on Numerical Software Verification

San Francisco 2009

From Retroactivity to Insulation: a Novel Engineering Principle Learned from Natural Bio-molecular Systems

D. Del Vecchio,

Institute for Biological Engineering Conference

San Francisco 2009

Tutorial Session: Partial order techniques for the analysis and synthesis of hybrid and embedded systems

Organizer: D. Del Vecchio Contributors: Jean-François Raskin (Computer Science Dept., Université Libre de Bruxelles), Georgios E. Fainekos and G Pappas (GRASP Lab, Upenn), Edward A. Lee (EECS, UC Berkeley), Derek Caveney and Lorenzo Caminiti (Toyota Technical Center, Ann Arbor)

Proc. of Conference on Decision and Control,

New Orleans 2007.

Modules and Retroactivity: Theoretical Framework, Analysis, and Design.

D. Del Vecchio, A. J. Ninfa, and E. D. Sontag

International Conference on Systems Biology

Long Beach, 2007.

An Introduction to Control of Synthetic Bio-molecular Systems

D. Del Vecchio

Proc. of Conference on Decision and Control

New Orleans 2007.

Submitted Conference Papers